Misuzu Corporation Co., Ltd. > Business Lineup > Koya Tofu (Freeze-dried Tofu)

Koya Tofu (Freeze-dried Tofu)

A traditional food from ancient Japan

Koya tofu (also known as “kori tofu”) is a traditional Japanese food dating back to ancient times. It is highly nutritious and rich in protein, hence its fame as the “meat of the fields.”
By freezing fresh, uncooked tofu and then storing it in a refrigerator for a fixed period of time, the soy proteins are naturally denatured and matured.
Through this process, the tofu gains new, unique textures and other new characteristics, and when dehydrated, it becomes an excellent example of a naturally preserved food.

Convenient and easy to use

When making our koya tofu, we process it in a way that makes it easy to reconstitute (rehydrate) and gives it a pleasantly soft texture. This makes our koya tofu ideal for not only Japanese cooking, but also for Chinese, western-style cooking, and other cuisines, as well.
Misuzu offers koya tofu in a variety of shapes and sizes, such as regular size, bite-sized, thin-cut, and in powder form. We also offer types that make cooking more convenient, including koya tofu with powdered seasoning packs, liquid seasoning packs, and microwavable types.

Traditional methods and new technology

Misuzu’s koya tofu production facilities are comprised of almost entirely our own special technology. For important processes involved in the making of fresh tofu such as soy milk production and tofu molding, we make use of traditional methods that have been cultivated by experienced craftsmen while adopting the latest technology throughout our facilities.
For the process of freezing the fresh tofu to denature and mature the soy proteins, we use a refrigeration and temperature control system that allows us to mimic the natural winter conditions used in traditionally made koya tofu all year round.

  • Fresh tofu freezing facility
  • Fresh tofu dehydration facility

Environmentally friendly facilities

For the refrigeration facilities used in the maturing process, we use natural refrigerants to reduce environmental impact and prevent damage to the ozone layer, and for the dehydration process, we use steam-powered dehydrators.
To reduce the amount of harmful oxides that are released into the atmosphere, we fuel our steam-generating boiler with natural gas, which is considered a green energy source.